Over 1,000 Days Without Accidents? Yep, We Did That

Over 1,000 Days Without Accidents? Yep, We Did That

Houston, We Don’t Have A Problem!

Congratulations to our fantastic Houston Ace ImageWear team who has gone over 1,000 days without accidents -- they worked hard on this incredible achievement. At Ace, we value our team’s safety above all else, and appreciate all our employee’s commitment to a culture of safety. Are you looking to achieve the same safety goals at your company? Read more to learn about some of our strategies and systems that are in place to ensure our team’s safety.

Learn How Your Team Can Achieve The Same Streak

There are several driving factors that helped to guide and motivate this stellar streak, and we’re going to let you in on our secrets. We keep our trucks and facilities clean and well-maintained to set a high standard of safety right from our home base. In addition to holding regular safety trainings on the newest and most relevant safety topics, Ace has established a Safety Committee Team to monitor and quickly identify any safety issues so they can be resolved immediately.

Achieving over 1000 days without accidents would not have been possible without the input of our team members. Because our representatives are the ones out in the field, they know better than anyone the different dangers and safety issues that need to be addressed.  At each staff meeting, any and all safety concerns are discussed, and a plan or solution is put into place before moving on. Additionally, we provide a suggestion box so anyone can submit any safety deviations or concerns anonymously.

Safety Is Important, But You Can Make It Fun

Constantly driving home the need for high safety standards are necessary to keep your team safe, but it can become overwhelming and stressful on your employees. To keep standards high and tension low, our safety committee team created a Safety Bingo game to encourage our team to work safe while still having fun. Incorporating a game or interesting incentive is a creative way to have fun on the job while still maintaining high safety standards.

Trust Ace for more than just uniforms

If you’d like more information or are interested in joining our team, please reach out to us today.